Sustainable Clothing Brand Prioritising Individualism.

3D Modelling + Animation + Rendering 

Collabrator : Sara Mann ( Client / Owner Of Phase Three )

Phase Three is a clothing accessories brand driven by the idea of customisation & Individualism. Offering a solution by allowing consumers to make every outfit an ongoing statement piece. Through the use of iron on dice head patches.

Challenge: Build six dice-head characters and animate them according to the characters personality.


The Hot-Head 
The Party Animal 
The Nerd 

Concept Behind The Character Designs

The Dice Head figures are based on different characters we portray in everyday life. 
And the way we gamble with our personalities depending on a environmental situation 
as reflected in the six dice head characters. Phase Three characters are truly about being 
able to stay true to yourself as your style develops.
©Hareram Premakumar London UK